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BREATHE DEEPLY until thesweet air EXTINGUISHES theburn or fear from your LUNGS.


 And every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite.


 “Breathe Deeply until the sweet air extinguishes the burn or fear from your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite.”



For me the biggest shift I first noticed on my breathwork journey was how I started to respond to drama and negativity, it wasn’t that everything around me changed, it was that I changed. Things didn’t seem to bother me anymore and I trusted in the flow of life. This new mindset then started to attract greater & more positive things into my life, life seems much easier for me now.

Using a conscious connected breath you can have a profound experience in a breathwork session.

Some benefits from breathwork are…

  • Feeling more present with your everyday life, with more joy and love.

  • From breathing in beautiful prana you can go into deep relaxation and have a better quality of sleep.

  • Balancing of hormones, which is wonderful for PMT & menopause.

  • You have more clarity to be able to follow your right path.

  • Releases stress and trauma freeing your body, mind and soul of illness.

  • Creativity is ignited.

  • Connection to source.

  • You can attain a non-ordinary level of consciousness, receiving insight from your guides.

  • ​Ending of patterns, beliefs and behaviours that have stopped you from moving forward in life.

  • Brings in a vitality and inspiration.

  • An awakening through a more cathartic breath.

In a one on one session with me, you will be guided into a conscious connected breath for a period of one hour. 

The breath will find blocked energy and emotions in your body. With me by your side, you will be supported to release these blockages in a gentle manner or as cathartic as you may need on each individual session.

For a warm water or cold water breathe, you must have first completed 10 consecutive breathes with me first.

Magic happens in the water!

My Divine women’s breathwork groups are held in The Sutherland Shire and The South Coast near Kiama once a month.

A maximum of 9 women can attend each group, this keeps it intimate and keeps a level of trust and a feeling of safety to be able to go where the breath wants to take you. I will be there to support you in a loving and grounded way.

Music is used to take you on your journey as well as my medicine drum and my song which is channelled on the night.

At the end of the night with the crystal bowl and energy I will bring in a mini Grace Blessing for everybody.

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