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I am a CONDUIT that channels healing, GRACE BLESSINGS & alchemy through my HEART centre from the DEITIES that have chosen to WORK through me…

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Goddess’s Minerva, Bridget, Mary Magdelene, Isis, Sedna, Aphrodite, Lady Nada, Merlin & the Archangel Pleiadians.


Emotional Healing. 

My sessions with you clear away negative energies caused by daily stress & trauma, clearing the body, mind & soul of blockages from past lives & this present life. We hold negative emotions in our cellular body, our chakras and our organs. This can cause chronic illness. With the intention & situation that you bring to your session that can be talked about, we then work on clearing and restoring those particular chakras, organs & wounding’s.

In each session we start by giving you a deep spiritual clearing just as I would a home, land or place of business. This releases such things as emotional & energy attachments, psychic wounds & damage, negative energies and entities that you may have picked up. We also clear, patch up and strengthen your aura. We release entanglements and cut cords. We balance your chakras and ground you so that you feel focused and strong. Throughout your session you can go into a light meditative state with a selected Andara Crystal to bring in light.

Soul fragments are also bought back to you in your session. Soul loss occurs as a result of physical, mental, emotional or spiritual trauma. Trauma in your life can fragment the soul, soul retrieval is being able to find & re connect those lost pieces of the soul, bringing you back as one.

On a whole, this session will help vanquish illness, anxiety, stress, depression & chronic fatigue, as well as a variety of emotional and mental disorders.

Ridding your body of these blockages enables you to move forward in life with a more positive approach and a loving perspective, thus attracting more positive energies and experiences into your life.


Ancestral Wounding. 

You may be feeling a certain trauma but just not understanding where it is coming from. Ancestral wounding can come from up to seven generations up the line. We carry this trauma in our DNA. Just like physical sickness that is genetic, so can be our wounding.

When we clear & heal ancestral wounding from ourselves we also clear it up the line to where it all began….such a beautiful gift not only to ourselves but to our lineage.


Entity, Curse & Spell Removal

So as long as I can remember, I have been removing curses & moving entities onto the light. Before I was even ‘doing this work’ I was able to see dark energies. This is where it all started for me and with this service that I offer, I have 100% success rate. When I use the word entities, I mean also aliens, reptilians, monsters, lost souls & possessed souls.

When entities attach themselves to you, it can cause major disturbances in your life and continual negative influence. Feelings of being heavy, tired & drained. Entities can cause loss of focus and alter your perception of the world causing depression, anxiety, fear, anger and even suicidal thoughts. You may have bad dreams or trouble sleeping. Also addiction can come from these unwelcome visitors that are attached to you.

I do this work remotely for people all over the world. As part of this clearing, we need to make sure also that your aura is cleansed, patched up & strengthened and that we clear all the affinities that the entity is attached to so as to avoid attracting this negativity again.

Curses, spells and black magic can be passed on through the generations, they are not only sent to you from this this lifetime.

It can feel like you have bad luck in life and nothing is going right for you or it could just be a slow slip down In life and it really doesn’t seem obvious  to you but then you look back & think ‘how did I get here’.

A curse can be as simple as a specific intention for your misfortune that is aimed at you by someone else or it can be as intent as somebody practising witchcraft & spells. Either way, Goddess Bridget is here for me to call on and to rid you of this darkness and negativity.

Space Clearing for your home or place of business with complimentary pet clearing.

Space clearing means clearing the space on an energetic level. It is an ancient art practiced daily in many old cultures.

The reason behind the need for space clearing is simple, just as on a physical level you see the dust and dirt accumulating in your home as a result of daily activities, the same happens on an energetic level. You may not see the ‘dust & dirt’ of human emotions but they accumulate in any space, so it is best to clear them out regularly. It is my belief, an absolute must to have your home cleared at least once so that all past residence energies can be cleared. I also give the land a thorough clearing of everything and bring the lands grids back into alignment….How beautiful is that!

You may then want to have your house cleared again down the track after intense events in your life such as relationship breakups or financial hardship.

For your place of business, you may feel you have money or success blockages that need to be cleaned out.

As part of these sessions, once cleansed, I will also fill your home & land or place of business with Andara Crystal Love & Light. The results being that you are able to move forward and have success in your business and with your home, you can wake up feeling refreshed & light with the vibes of love & laughter in the air.

Our pets tend to take on this negativity like a sponge for us, so I am very happy to offer to clear your pets as part of this service.

Candle Magic

I have been attuned to ‘charge’ candles amongst other things with my intention through my heart centre. This allows me to generate your intention into your candle.

If you were to come to me asking for example…a love spell, I first like to sit with your energy to see what blockages there are in the way of you meeting your true love. My black candles will clear these spiritual and emotional blocks. If there happens to be a lot of heartbreak holding you back, I would suggest also a heart chakra candle. We can then finish off your love candle package with a beautiful pink love candle to bring in your life partner.

Other candles you may wish to order maybe for success or perhaps a loved ones health. we can charge your candles for anything that you desire though I do NOT work with black magic and will not take orders that could harm others for your gain. My candles are very powerful and work on a very deep and specific level.

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Andara Crystal Healing & Attunements

Andara Crystals come from a high energy vortex site in Northern California. They were originally found by an Indian medicine woman named Lady Nelly.

Andara Crystals are high in monotomic elements and are master crystals.

Andara’s are here helping us with the Ascension and Awakening Process, they are specifically opening and expanding our consciousness and raising our vibration. They connect us with source and increase our rate of manifestation.

With each session of any kind that you book in with me, we can bring the Andara’s into your session. The crystals will either be placed energetically into a crystal grid that I charge or if your session is in person, the Andara’s will be placed in each hand and at your crown chakra to give you their own personal healing of what you need.

I can also attune you with a specific Andara that is resonating with you & then this Andara is yours to call on at anytime for any reason.

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